Thursday, 7 November 2013


'Some friends are more equal than others.'

It has always fascinated me to look at the friendships that I have made over the years, those friendships that I nurture because they really add value to my life, the light and fluffy ones, those that drain me, and surprisingly enough, I have even given a lot of thought to the ones that have brought me a lot of heart ache. I guess one could say, wherever two or more women are; there is bound to be some fireworks, whether it will be the spectacularly beautiful kind, or the kind that destroys things, is left entirely up to your own interpretation.

Women have different types of friends. We have our besties, who get us in all ways, they have either been around us forever or there are those friends that we meet later in life when we have been there and done that, and therefore have learnt enough to know better. I like to say that our besties are those girls that have seen us before we put on our make-up and we are quite comfortable for them to see us in our 'feed-the-dog-track suit pants'. Over the years I have less and less of these type of friends, so I am pretty sure that the 'best cream has risen to the top'.

Of course I also have another batch of friends, and by batch I mean three or four, these are my 'going-out and letting my hair down' type offriends. We can have fun together and I have probably had some of my best laughs with them. Sadly, I have also learnt that there are not on my speed dial when I'm homeless and need a place to stay for a couple of days. I cannot rely on them to drop everything for me, as they often have 'long-standing engagements' when one really needs them. If there is ever a lesson to be learnt in friendship, it is this one. Learn it quickly.

Not all the 'good' friends I made in my teens are still in life. I have learnt the hard way that; its not always those that you love the most, that will love you back in the same way. And that's okay. That cliche about some people only being in your life for a reason, for a season or for a lifetime comes to my mind here. I made some of my biggest life mistakes in this area of my life, but thankfully they were not fatal.

There is no great point to this piece, just me reflecting on the interesting, sometimes maddening, but mostly beautiful women that I have had the pleasure of calling 'friends'. A shout out to the ones that have carried me on their shoulders, a shout out to the strong women who have stuck around! I hope I have been as good a friend to you, as some of you have been to me!

To my girls

Neo. Khensi. Elaine. Phemi
Gavaza. Khensi. Sincerity. Elaine.

Khensi. Rea. Phemi. Dini.

Elaine. Khensi. Rea. Phemi.

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