Tuesday, 5 February 2013

I think its a second chance...

I think its a second chance...
It all started with a dream of being a Radiotherapist. I was truly convinced and believed it in my heart that in 2012 I’ll be studying Radiotherapy at the university of Jonnesburg, I even did my 5days of orientation at 2 private hospitals, a day at each (Sandton oncology and Flora Clinic in Rodepoort) and 3days at Johannesburg General. But all this turned out to being my worst nightmare, well I think… okay, let me just say it could’ve been a blessing in disguise.

I learnt so much about cancer because I had underestimated the amount of hard word that goes into a process of treating it. It was quiet emotionally draining but the experience was totally worth it. I learnt what happens from the time patients walk in the hospital to the day they stop radiation treatment. I even ended up being so emotionally attached to the patients because I was so passionate about what I was being taught and by what I saw. However, it’s so funny that sometimes in life we turn to have all the money in the world but that money cannot buy us another life.

Then, I came to realise that one’s relationship with God is worth every emotion and experience before “if God is for us who can be against us” (Romans 8:31), who knows maybe all the cancer patients could experience a miracles and the world could see the end of cancer, after all faith is about believing the invisible.

Okay let me fast-forward my story, with all that being said, on the 19th of January 2012, I didn’t pass my clinical interview… everything was going so well, I didn’t even understand how so much could go wrong just before I have to start with my university orientation and journey as a radiotherapist. I felt as though my dreams were crashed within 5minutes and there was nothing I could do, I remember being so bitter that taking my own life was the only solution to my temporary problem. But I didn’t of cause or else I wouldn’t be writing this piece, hahahahaha.

Then it was time to move on and think on my toes which career path I’m passionate about, this career had to be my second choice because the first didn’t work out… God whispered LAW!!!Khensi then moved all the way to Eastern Cape to study law at the University of Fort Hare a new journey began and I didn’t have a choice but to embrace it and, make every experience a learning curve. I guess the rest is history because I’ve found my light. God didn’t forsake me. I had faith and believed everything will work out for the best in the end and it did!

The journey continues as take on my second of LLB... God is great!

To be continued...


  1. Quiet an interesting story and also evokes ones emotions.

    Well done, you are a true inspiring blogger

  2. thanx bud, keep reading and ill evoke those emotions
