My beautiful Xitsonga name that I
love with all my mind, body and soul.
Khensani means GIVE THANKS!
My favourite church hymn is Hymn
5 titled “A hi nkhenseni Yehova” meaning let’s give thanks to the Lord, from
the book TINSIMU TA VAKRISTE. This hymn gives my name an even greater meaning
and purpose because I see my life as a blessing to those around me, I am a
blessed soul and for all my blessings I should give thanks to the Lord at all
times, good or bad.
Khensani commands me to give thanks
at all times, it doesn’t even give me a choice to decide, I’m supposed to say
thank you whether I like it or not. Id honestly be shaming my name if I didn’t
say thank you.
Those that know me will tell you
that for everything that I receive I always say thank you, Nakhensa. Oh but God
is great! My late gogolicious (grandmother) taught me to use the words “please”
and “thank you” and now that I’m almost 21, it all makes sense because she just
wanted me to live up to my name and not take life and its pitfalls for granted.
I know I’m making her proud. Her wisdom just rubbed off on me and Im so blessed
to have had such an amazing woman as my grandmother.
I remember someone saying
that a person’s name says a lot about
the person they will grow into, so we should try by all means to live up to the
high standards that our names set for us. I am not sorry nor sad that I don’t
have an English name, in fact I brag about my Xitsonga name because it’s the
most beautiful name that my mother could’ve ever given me.
Looking back at everything I’ve
been through in life, I feel as though I haAd to grow a lot quicker in order to
understand things that were happening around me. Whenever id cry, that small
voice in my head calls me to order and to me this is a reminder that God gives
his most challenging tasks to his strongest soldiers.
I will give thanks to my Lord
till infinity. His divine hand is upon me and heals me at all times.
Hymn 141- Ndzi wa wena
Verse 1
Ndzi wa wena Muhlayisi wa mina!
Ku nkhensiwa re rhandzu ra wena!
Ndzi wa wena Hosi tsa ku
tlhangela, Ndzi wa wena, nzdi wa wena!
-Tinsimu ta vakriste by E.P.C.S.A
page 168.
I love my beautiful name Khensani
and Na khensa loko o hlaye blog ya mina!